Health Office
Health Forms
Students with Allergies
Please do not share food.
We have a number of students in our school who are severely allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. The reactions of affected students may vary from itching to an inability to breathe. Please help us keep our students safe by asking your child not to share food with other students. Please also consider this request if you bring snacks for sharing with your son or daughter’s class. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
TDAP Booster Required for 7th and 8th Grades
Updated Information regarding the Tdap shot:SCUSD families have done an excellent job of getting the Tdap shot taken care of prior to registration. The law requires that all incoming 7th-12th graders get a whooping cough booster shot, called Tdap, before entering school in August.
If your child is entering 7th through 10th grade and has not yet received the Tdap pertussis booster shot, please contact your doctor’s office or the Santa Clara County health department at (408) 885-3980 for free clinic dates and locations. Tdap shots are also widely available in pharmacies and grocery stores in your community. When your child receives the Tdap shot or if your child already has received it after age 7, please be sure to bring in the immunization record to the school office as soon as possible. For more information, please go to .
Thank you for your attention to this important topic.
When to Stay Home
Your child needs to stay home when they have…
- any contagious disease
- vomiting in the last 24 hours
- temperature over 100°F (temperature needs to be normal for 24 hours before your child returns to school)
- frequent coughing or very runny nose
- diarrhea in the last 24 hours
- sore throat
- severe headache
- skin rash (ALL rashes must be diagnosed by a doctor)
- open sores unless the area can be covered with a dressing
- earache
Illness or Injury at School
If your child becomes ill or injured at school:
- make arrangements to pick your child up immediately.
- have an alternative plan for care if you work or you are not available
- evaluate their readiness to return to school based on the "Stay Home…" guidelines
If your child has a fever, they should not return to school until the temperature has been normal for 24 hours.
Medication at School
Should your child need to take medication at school, please observe the following legal procedures…
- all medicine is to be stored in the school office in a labeled container
- prescription drugs must be in the original pharmacy container and must be accompanied by written parental permission and physician's written order. The pharmacy label on the bottle is not accepted as the physician's order.
- non-prescription drugs including aspirin, Tylenol, cough syrup and cough drops must be in the original pharmacy container and must be accompanied by both the physician's written order and written parental permission
Medication should be given exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Do not increase or decrease the dose unless directed to do so by the doctor. Take medicines for the prescribed amount of time.
Whenever possible, please ask your physician to arrange the dosage intervals so that medicine can be given during non-school hours. This will greatly simplify the process for everyone involved.
Head Lice
Head lice is a common community health concern. Head to head contact or a simple exchange of hats, clothing, combs and other personal items can lead to the transmission of lice from one person to another. When your child returns from vacation, travel, and from visits with friends and relatives, we encourage you to check his/her hair for signs of possible head lice. Following are some common signs…
- persistent itching of scalp
- NITS—tiny white eggs attached firmly to the hair shaft, usually found behind ears and base of neck
- tiny gray or light brown insects that crawl very quickly. They do not hop or fly.
Treatment consists of treating the hair with a special product made to kill lice, removal of all nits and through cleaning of the environment. A public health department fact sheet is available in the school health office.
You need to notify the school if your child has head lice.
Vision and Hearing Screening
Vision and hearing screening will take place during the school year for grades K, 2, 5, and 8. You will be notified in writing only if your child fails the screening. If you have concerns for the child's vision or hearing, in any grade, any time during the year, contact your school nurse. Color vision screening is done for second grade boys only.