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Discipline Policies

At Don Callejon, we are working together to provide a positive and safe learning environment by respecting others, our work, property and ourselves. We realize that the parent has a great responsibility in the area of discipline, and we will keep you informed of your child's progress toward self-discipline. We feel it is important for the school and parent to work together toward this goal. We strive to maintain a discipline policy that is both fair and consistent. The general guidelines below outline the possible consequences assigned for most offenses. However, the administration reserves the right to change a consequence at our discretion, based on the severity or continued recurrence of the offense.

General Guidelines

School rules apply on campus as well as going to and from school.


A student may be suspended based upon the severity of an act or if other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct.

Major Offenses: Fighting, controlled substance or weapon use or possession shall result in an immediate home suspension and/or expulsion, and police involvement if necessary.

Confiscated Items Return Policy

The following policy shall be in effect for any item confiscated at Don Callejon. These items may include, but are not limited to any of the following: cell/smart phones, MP3 players, Personal Video Game Systems, or anything deemed inappropriate for school.

First Offense

The confiscated item will be returned to the student after contact is made with a parent/guardian and the student may be assigned appropriate consequences.

Second Offense

The confiscated item will be returned only to the parent or guardian at the end of the school day and the student may be assigned appropriate consequences.

Third Offense

The confiscated item will be returned only to the parent or guardian at the end of the school day and the student shall receive appropriate consequences. The student may be placed on a cell phone use contract for the remainder of the school year.


Any student may be detained in their classroom or receive an administrative detention for violation of any school rule or policy.


All students are expected to observe accepted standards of our society. The school principal, vice principal or designee has just cause to suspend a student who violates any section of the California State Education Codes, 48900 or 48915.

Teacher Suspension (Education Code 48910)

A teacher may suspend any pupil from the teacher's class for the day of the suspension and the day following. The teacher shall immediately report the suspension to the office and send the student to the office for appropriate action. The teacher will contact the parent/guardian.

As soon as possible, the teacher will arrange for a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. Whenever practical, a school counselor shall attend the conference. A school administrator shall attend the conference if a teacher or parent so requests.

Administrative Suspension

When a student is suspended, a parent conference with an administrator will be held either in person or over the phone. When a student returns from a suspension, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what work has been missed and make it up within a reasonable amount of time or receive an "F".

Acceptable Use Of Technology

The use of technology is a privilege. The district acceptable use policy is available in the Aeries Parent Portal. All students must complete the form in the packet and return it to school to be eligible to use technology on campus. Violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.

Appropriate Student Relationships

Don Callejon does not condone public displays of affection. Holding hands, arm-in-arm, hugging, and kissing are not appropriate in school.


Students are not to use any food or drink item in any way to embarrass a student or staff member on their birthday. Balloons are not allowed on campus. 


Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones shall be turned off while the student is in class and stored in backpack or locker. Cell phones should never be used to take pictures or video on campus. If a student is using a cell phone at inappropriate times at Don Callejon School, it will be confiscated and returned in accordance with the Confiscated Items Return Policy earlier in the column to the left.


Cheating or plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating may be subject to the following disciplinary consequences:

  • a zero on the assignment
  • parent contact
  • two detentions for the first offense
  • Saturday School for the second offense
  • Suspension and/or expulsion for subsequent offenses

Extortion, Blackmail, Robbery

State law requires the principal to recommend a student's expulsion for robbery, extortion or blackmail.


Fighting is prohibited. Students are to use the counselor, teachers, or administrators to discuss problems they are having with other students. The office is always open to discuss problems between students. In general, students shall receive a suspension of 1-5 days for fighting. Students may also be cited by the Santa Clara Police. State law requires the principal to recommend a student's expulsion for causing serious physical injury to another person.


Any form of gambling will not be tolerated.

Giving False Information

Students are to properly identify themselves to all school employees. Students are not to forge notes nor falsify any information concerning school.

Gum and Sunflower Seeds

Students are not to bring or chew gum or sunflower seeds to school.

Harassment of Any Type

Harassment is defined by the person it is done to, not by the person doing the harassment. Any action that causes another person to feel threatened, ashamed, put down, afraid, angry, hurt or in any other way upset must stop immediately. It may be necessary for you to have no further contact with each other. Responding to harassment with harassment is not acceptable. If you cannot make the harassment stop on your own, involve an adult.

While students have rights to freedom of speech, you may not menace or threaten others, invite them to fight, use obscene language, or do any other behaviors meant to cause harm.

With the prevalence of digital communication, many forms of harassment occur using personal technology devices including cell phones and home computers. While digital harassment or “cyberbullying” may not take place on campus, it often affects students while they are at school. Therefore, students may have consequences at school for actions that occur outside of school, if their behavior causes or threatens to cause a disruption at school or makes another student feel threatened at school.

Hazing/Trash Canning

It is against the law (Educational Code 32051) for a student to engage in any hazing activity, threatens to engage in any activity or aids in any activity that is likely to cause bodily harm or personal degradation to another student. Threats of trash canning or other forms of hazing should be immediately reported to the office.


Students are not to loiter in front of the school, near the office, or in the parking lot after school hours. School administration requires that all students be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the school day unless they are involved in an after-school or academic activity.


Students are not to use profane or vulgar language. Swearing will not be tolerated, and students may be assigned consequences when appropriate

Refusal to Obey School Authority—Defiance

Students are expected to follow the instructions of the teachers and staff.  If a student disobeys any school employee either by action or word, they shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Sexual Harassment

The Governing Board prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student by any employee, student, or other person in or from the district.

Any student who engages in the sexual harassment of anyone in or from the district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

Any student who feels that they are being sexually harassed should immediately contact the principal or designee at their school.  If the principal or designee does not promptly remedy a situation involving sexual harassment, a complaint of harassment can be filed in accordance with the district’s Uniform Complaint Procedures, Board policy 1171.


Students have the responsibility of taking care of their own possessions. Lockers should be secured and only necessary school items kept in them. Do not leave money, cell phones or other expensive items in lockers! Please do not leave personal items or backpacks containing personal or valuable items unattended. Make sure that bicycles are locked in the appropriate area. If you are a victim of a theft, notify the office and fill out a stolen property report. Theft is a serious violation of the law and will be dealt with severely. 

Unexcused Absences

Referrals for unexcused absences may result in one or all of the following:

  • Telephone call to parents
  • Parent conference
  • Disciplinary action (detention, Saturday School, suspension, transfer)
  • Referral to Student Attendance Review Board at the district level.


Writing on the walls or destroying school property or the property of others will not be tolerated. A police report may be filed and disciplinary action taken.

Weapons/Controlled Substances—Zero Tolerance

The possession, use or sale of any weapon or device that may be used to harm others (including imitation firearms) is prohibited by California Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915.

The possession, use or sale of any controlled substance or paraphernalia (pipes, lighters, rolling papers, etc) is also prohibited by California Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915. Any involvement in such activity shall result in suspension and/or expulsion from the school or district.

Students who know of anyone in possession of any weapons/controlled substances or have information about any weapons/controlled substances being on campus should report to an administrator immediately.