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Academic Policies

It is the intent of the district to provide a high quality educational experience. That experience should also prepare students adequately to move on to the next grade level. Every effort will be made by Don Callejon teachers and staff to ensure the success of our students. In the event that we are not successful, a comprehensive summer school program or a mutually agreed upon alternative may be required for students who have not met the academic standards.

This planner will help you organize work to be done and make sure all assignments are done on time. When students are having problems with their homework, they may set up a time with their teacher(s) to get extra help.

Elementary School

Don Callejon School has three grading periods for K-5 students; each is about 12 weeks long. Santa Clara Unified School District uses standards-based report cards to monitor and report progress of elementary students. You can obtain more information regarding the Santa Clara Unified School District Standards Based Report Card and choose the appropriate grade level. If you need a paper copy of the brochure, please ask your teacher.

Parent conferences will be scheduled by your student’s teacher in the fall, and, under certain circumstances, in the spring. We encourage you to contact your teacher more frequently if you feel that it is necessary. 

Middle School

In order to move on, middle school students must maintain a 75% passing rate: passing 18 of 24 possible quarter grades.

Students who have not met the academic standard for eighth grade or do not successfully complete the summer program or alternative will be assigned to an alternative ninth grade program or retained in the eighth grade.

Classroom Assignments/Homework

An important goal of middle school is to help students assume more responsibility for their own learning and academic progress. Students should complete their class work and homework by the due-dates assigned by their teachers. Teachers and parents share the important task of fostering awareness in their student that education extends beyond the classroom and gaining knowledge or perfecting skills requires practice. The official Santa Clara Unified School District Homework Policy can be provided by the office if you are interested.

Grading Period/Report Cards

Don Callejon has four grading periods for Middle School; each is about nine weeks in length. Students receive report cards through the mail four times a year. Progress reports or deficiency notices are also mailed halfway through the grading period. Teachers are available to meet and discuss student performance. If you do not receive a report card within two weeks of a quarter's closing, phone (408) 423-3306.

Honors, Recognitions, and Awards

Honor Roll

The names of students who have achieved academic excellence (3.0 GPA and above) are posted in the main office and in each classroom each quarter, and an Honor Roll Breakfast is held each quarter to honor these students.

Promotion Ceremony

At the end of the year, Don Callejon has an outstanding Promotion Ceremony for the eighth grade students. All eighth grade students eligible for promotion and their parents are invited to attend. This is a dignified, indoor ceremony honoring our 8th graders.

Student of the Month

Teachers are asked to select outstanding students each month. Students are recognized on the basis of good citizenship and achievement. Students of the month will be treated to lunch with the honoring teacher(s).